
A: You can access your class schedule by going to the student portal at my.eagle1027.com.


Q. 如何设置门户?

A: Please follow these steps to set up the portal, if you have not already done so. 如果你有问题,请发邮件 [email protected] or call 502-863-4357 during normal business hours, and our wonderful IT staff will be happy to assist you!

Please complete the steps below to create your GC student portal and email account:

  1. Click here 访问GC学生门户网站(我的.eagle1027.com)
  2. 一旦到达,你就会进入链接。”Create Your Account” – you can find this on the homepage in a grey box on the left
  3. Choose “Undergraduate Student
  4. Next, you will need to input the following information (please read carefully):
  5. ID # - your ID is a 六位数字,可能以5开头. 在你的学生证上. If you are not sure of your ID # and do not yet have your ID, 请与你的入学顾问联系. 
  6. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) (for example, if you were born January 1, 2001, you should write 01/01/2001)
  7. Zip Code (5 digits only)
  8. Last Name (This is case sensitive!)
  9. Then click "Continue"
  10. From there you will be prompted to choose a username, email and create a password. Be sure to write your username and password in your notes so you don't forget!
  11. 创建用户名之后, you will then answer a handful of questions about security (make sure you do these!)、紧急联络资料等. (the next time you log on to the portal, you will be asked a few FERPA and insurance questions).
  12. 在屏幕的左下角,您将看到一个 link to student email. 继续点击它并登录! 



A: If you want to make changes to your class schedule, please email 书记官长办公室. Registrar staff will work with you to modify your schedule to meet your needs.


Q: I thought I liked my schedule, but now that the semester has started, I want to make a change. Can I do that?

A: You can add classes to your schedule through the fourth day of the term. 你可以在较长一段时间内不去上课. Specific add and drop dates will be included on the final academic calendar, and we will also notify students via e-mail prior to the last day to drop a class without a grade. For more information about the academic calendar, please click here.


Q: Are there any academic support services in place, like tutoring?

A: Absolutely! We offer free, 针对所有100级和200级课程的同侪辅导, and also have a fully staffed Writing Center to help students with papers (great for those composition classes!). For more information about academic resources, please click here.



A:请查阅有关学生贷款的信息 email 学生财务规划办公室.


问:我的FAFSA被选中进行验证. 我如何完成这个过程?

A: Georgetown College has partnered with KHEAA Verify to simplify the FAFSA verification progress. 有关高等教育评核的更多资料,请按 here



A:秋季学期的学费在8月1日交. Please email Student Accounts for specific questions about tuition payment.



A: Georgetown College has partnered with Nelnet to offer a payment plan to spread out college costs. 有关Nelnet的更多信息,请点击 here.



A:如果你已经有室友了,请说 email Student Housing. We will do our best to accommodate specific room requests.


问:我和我的室友相处不好. 我该找谁帮忙?

A:我们的Res Life团队会帮助您! Your first point of connection is your resident advisor (RA), who can be a helpful mediator as you learn to live with someone new. 如果你需要更多帮助, our professional Res Life staff can walk you through the process of applying for a room change. For more information about the Res Life team, please click here.  



A:如果你在高中有504或IEP计划, it’s likely that you are eligible for accommodations in college as well, although they may not be identical to what you experienced before. For more information about the accommodations process, please click here or e-mail to schedule a meeting to discuss what’s available to you.



A: Pets are not allowed on campus, with the exception of fish.



A: There are lots of different ways to get involved at GC! Our Office of Student Engagement works hard to ensure that every student finds their niche. Be on the lookout for more information to come about involvement opportunities this fall!

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