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New Works by Darrell Kincer on Display in Cochenour Gallery


For Associate Professor of Art Darrel Kincer, it’s about the process.

“I often reflect on why I make these pieces or what they’re about,” said Kincer. “To me, it’s more of a design experiment seeing what you can really get from the materials by applying these processes.”

金瑟的最新作品,题为 By the Wayside,都是无相机摄影的结果. 虽然这听起来有些矛盾, Kincer used a chemical process known as mordançage to create works that blur the lines between digital and analog, 在新与传统之间.

“I learned this process when I was in graduate school, 所以这些年来我一直在做这件事,” said Kincer. “当我第一次知道这个的时候, it was largely experimentation and learning the processes that would produce certain outcomes. Now I can take that knowledge and manipulate the images a bit more precisely.”

Kincer used this process to create life-size photograms of regional botanicals, 从盆栽植物到路边杂草.

“Mordançage blisters and bleaches the blackest elements of a traditional black and white print,” said Kincer. “为了使这个过程有效, 你需要这些非常暗的背景, and plants are excellent at producing incredibly dark silhouettes.”

在数码摄影的世界里, where everyone always has a camera in their pocket, what attracts Kincer to this method of photography?

“I think I’m naturally drawn to things that are less common, a bit niche, 这个过程绝对是利基的,” said Kincer. “That’s even more true as photography becomes more and more democratic.”

Kincer used these techniques in the classroom this semester, creating a tangible medium for students who often work in digital spaces. “It really helps students understand that there’s more to photography than they might realize. It also enlivens some students who may have an emphasis in painting or sculpting and then pushes those students who do work more digitally.”

For Kincer, the joy in his most recent work comes from discovering hidden beauty. “The process allows the user to literally peel away the top layer pf a print, revealing mysteriously and previously unseen wonders lying beneath the surface of each picture.

“我最喜欢这份工作的地方, 回想一下节目的标题, is a chance to discover the hidden beauty that can be found within the most common, 日常用品. Looking at the weeds I pass by on the roadside each day, 从新的角度或背景来看的, can develop into an extraordinary thing – perhaps a thing that evokes wonder, 惊喜还是享受. 也许发生了一种救赎.”

By the Wayside is on display in the Cochenour Gallery in the Ensor LRC until May 22.

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