About Health Science

如果你致力于在宏观层面上提高生活质量, consider our Health Science major. 我们的学生培养成功规划所必需的知识和实践技能, implement, and evaluate health programs in schools, community organizations, healthcare organizations, and worksites.

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GC健康科学毕业生已获准从事职业治疗, Physical Therapy, and Physician’s Assistant Programs, 以及联合医疗领域的其他项目.

KHS Club

KHS(运动机能学及健康研究)俱乐部提供领导的机会, experiential learning, career education, 同时在校园和社区推广健康的生活方式.

Program Requirements

44-46 hours for major; no minor available

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Potential Careers

"Combined with a rigorous science curriculum, the KHS department emphasizes service, evidence-based research, and a holistic approach to wellness. 我觉得自己在学术上和性格上都做好了充分的准备,为读研和未来的医师助理工作做好了准备." 

 - Kaitlin Fahey, '16

“KHS部门为你想要的职业生涯和专业领域的生活做好准备. 我永远感谢这个系的优秀教授们.” 

 - Steven Whisler, '17

"Aside from the foundation of my career, GC的运动机能系为我在这个领域提供了终身的同事和朋友, professors and students alike."

 - Brittany Conner, '12, DPT

赌博导航所有网站大全大学的健康科学系为我的医学生涯铺平了道路. 它教会了我在生命早期培养健康生活方式的重要性,也是我每天与我的病人分享的东西.” 

 - Haley Hart, '13

赌博导航所有网站大全大学的健康科学系为我从事职业治疗的职业生涯奠定了完美的基础. 如果没有运动机能学的背景知识,我就无法胜任儿科OT的工作.”

 - Rebecca Smith, '10

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